
When a Cold’s Not Just a Cold


Lower Respiratory, Bronchial, wet coughs, lots of phlegm Licorice, Thyme, Mullein, Fennel, White Horehound Upper Respiratory, sinusitis, watery eyes, runny nose Eyebright, Golden Rod, Elder Flower, Golden Seal Asthma, spasmodic cough like in Whooping Cough Adhatoda, Ginkgo, Grindelia, Fennel First Sign of a Cold or Flu Andrographis My Favourite for Prevention of Winter Infections Echinacea […]

The Evolution of Vital Child (thoughts on my ‘why’)


But a lot has changed in 20 years. My babies are now teenagers and my eldest will be 21 this year. Their health issues have changed and my role as their parent has evolved. They need me and they don’t need me as teenagers do. In clinic, I’ve seen the health picture of a collective […]

Got a Cold? You Know WHAT to Take but do you know HOW?


As a naturopath people tell me all the time about what vitamins, herbs or supplements they are taking. I find people nowadays are very educated about the various products for sale in health food stores.

Adrenal Fatigue. A Modern Epidemic?


Is Adrenal Fatigue Real? First, let me clarify that ‘adrenal fatigue’ is a term in common usage relating to these symptoms however, the more medically correct term would likely be ‘HPA axis dysfunction’ and there are good biochemical reasons for this. As the purpose of this blog is to offer some general treatment options rather […]

All Blocked Up?


Everybody at some time or another succumbs to the common cold. If we are generally healthy we can resume our lives after a week of feeling low without too much upheaval but for some, it can be a miserable and frustratingly long recovery. Fortunately, there are medicinal herbs which have been used successfully for centuries to help us deal with the uncomfortable symptoms of the common cold.

Coconut, Carrot and Apple Muffins with Coconut Cream Frosting (Gluten free, Grain free, nut free and dairy free)


Everybody at some time or another succumbs to the common cold. If we are generally healthy we can resume our lives after a week of feeling low without too much upheaval but for some, it can be a miserable and frustratingly long recovery. Fortunately, there are medicinal herbs which have been used successfully for centuries to help us deal with the uncomfortable symptoms of the common cold.

Sugar – Sweet Poison?


Most of us are already aware on some level that too much sugar is not good for us but do we equate it to poison? Do we really know how much sugar in our diet is too much and do any of us know just how much sugar we are actually consuming in an average […]